Barbican Gallery

The Barbican centre has in its existence presented a plethora of work ranging from renowned architects, to recipients of the coveted Turner Prize. The collections take in a vast range of London-related subject matter from the 16th century to the present day. Works by Wenceslaus Hollar and Paul Sandby are shown and later examples by 19th and 20th century artists such as David Roberts, William Powell Frith, George Elgar Hicks, Walter Greaves, John O’Connor, David Bomberg, John Piper, Henry Moore, Graham Sutherland and Rose Henriques are also in the collection. Also housed are examples by Camden Town artists Spencer Gore and Charles Ginner, paintings by C.R.W. Nevinson and more recent contributions from Jock McFadyen, Mark Cazalet, Oliver Bevan, David Hepher, Adam Dant together with an archive of drawings and notebooks by the illustrator Grace Golden.

Number of Artists referenced: 250