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British and Irish Artists of the 20th Century
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Karsten Schubert
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Annely Juda Fine Art
Kettle's Yard
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Lytham St Annes Art Collection
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Manx Museum
Bluecoat Gallery
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British Cartoon Archive
Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art
British Museum
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Modern Art Gallery
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Museum of Modern Art, Wales
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Burton Art Gallery
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National Maritime Museum
Bushey Museum and Art Gallery
National Museum of Wales
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Cadogan Contemporary
National Self-Portrait Collection of Ireland
Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council
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New Grafton Gallery
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Cartoon Museum
Nicholas Treadwell Gallery
Catto Gallery
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City Arts Centre
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Oriel y Bont
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Otter Gallery
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Combridges Fine Arts Gallery
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Compass Gallery
Panter & Hall
Connell & Sons
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Phoenix Gallery
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Pier Arts Centre
Darlington Borough Art Collection
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Reading Art Gallery
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Doré Gallery
Register of Naïve Artists
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Richard Demarco Gallery
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Royal Albert Memorial Museum
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Ferens Art Gallery
Rozelle House Galleries
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Fine Art Society
Ruskin Galleries
Fischer Fine Art
Russell-Cotes Art Gallery & Museum
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Fleming Collection
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Saatchi Gallery
Fosse Gallery
Salford Art Gallery
Frost & Reed
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Scottish National Portrait Gallery
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Gimpel Fils
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Solomon Gallery
Glynn Vivian Art Gallery
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Goupil Gallery
South Shields Museum & Art Gallery
Grabowski Gallery
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Gracefield Arts Centre
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Grafton Galleries
Stockport Art Gallery
Great Yarmouth Museums
Stoke-on-Trent Art Gallery
Gregory Fellowship
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Sunderland Museum and Art Gallery
Grosvenor Museum
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Grundy Art Gallery
Talbot Rice Gallery
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Taylor Galleries
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Harris Museum and Art Gallery
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Harrogate Art Gallery
The French Gallery
Hartlepool Art Gallery
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Towner Art Gallery
Trafford Gallery
Herbert Art Gallery
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Tryon Gallery
Howard Roberts Gallery
Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery
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UCL Art Museum
Hugh Lane Municipal Gallery of Modern Art
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Irish Museum of Modern Art
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