Woodstock Gallery

This gallery seems to have originated c. 1958 in London's West End and was as its name suggests based at 16 Woodstock Street. It lasted into the 1980's and very many artists as the list below suggests showed there. Arguably the location's greatest claim to fame took place during World War II when on the 17th April 1941 during one of the largest raids to hit the capital, parachute mines, incendiary and high explosive bombs destroyed or damaged large parts of central and south London. A number of the bombs dropped that night failed to explode one of which landed at 14 Woodstock Street next door to what was to become the location for the Gallery. Amazingly no serious damage or casualties resulted and the Royal Engineers Bomb Disposal Unit managed to defuse the bomb. The site of the Gallery is now a small block of Mayfair flats. The final exhibition appears to have taken place in 1984.

This, of course, tells me and the reader nothing about the gallery activities and we would be appreciative of any information about the gallery principals and their activities.

Number of Artists referenced: 114