The Discerning Eye

This is an educational charity, established in the UK in 1990, to encourage a wider understanding and appreciation of the visual arts and to encourage discussion about the place and purpose of art within society. An exhibition is held each year usually at the Mall Galleries, London which is accompanied by lively debates and a competition with lucrative prizes. Also on offer are study bursaries to selected artists. The exhibition comprises both publicly submitted works and works independently selected by six prominent figures from different areas of the art world: two artists, two collectors and two critics. The whole exhibition provides a scarce opportunity for works by lesser-known artists to be hung alongside contributions from internationally recognized names. The only restrictions are limitation of size (only small works are permitted) and that selected works must comprise at least 25% from the open submission. The exhibition is held in mid-November each year and all submitted and hung works are available to buy with the commission on sales assisting the organisations activities.

Number of Artists referenced: 155