Pall Mall Magazine

Pall Mall was a monthly literary magazine founded in 1893 which lasted until 1914. It was launched as a by-product of the Pall Mall Gazette by newspaper tycoon William Waldorf Astor (1848-1919) and included short stories, poetry, comments and was heavily illustrated by respected artists of the period. These artists included George Morrow, E.J.Sullivan, Warwick Goble, Arthur Rackham, Cecil Aldin and Edmund Dulac. Literary contributors included H.G.Wells, Algernon Swinburne, Rudyard Kipling, Jack London and Joseph Conrad. Pall Mall went through a variety of ownerships after Astor sold it in 1912 and by 1914, it had merged with Nash's Magazine to become Nash's Pall Mall Gazette. The alliance lasted until 1927 when they were published independently but by September 1929 they had again joined forces. It finally ceased publication in September 1937.

Pall Mall Budget was a weekly off-shoot publication begun in 1868 and lasted until 1920. It was a compendium of its parent magazine which one assumes it was aimed at those with a shallower pocket and/or less time to spend reading.

Image(s) below (click to enlarge): 
Pall Mall Magazine: Summer 1898
Number of Artists referenced: 60