Great Yarmouth College of Art

The College of Art and Design was a municipal art college in the Norfolk resort town of Great Yarmouth. The College was designed in 1912 by John William Cockrill, (1849-1924) who was known as 'Concrete Cochrill. It opened for pupils in 1913 and during World War II, it was used as the town's Civil Defence Centre. In 1989, the College of Art merged with the Norwich School of Art to form the Norfolk Institute of Art and Design in 1991, becoming an associate college of the new Anglia Polytechnic. The College building, which had been unoccupied for some time, had fallen into disrepair so plans were in place in 2008 to restore the building and convert it into several dwellings.

Image(s) below (click to enlarge): 
Gt Yarmouth College of Art
Number of Artists referenced: 17